Tuesday, September 15, 2009

In the presentation that follows, please add your suggestions, discussion, and comments to the visuals and the descriptive text below them.  You can click on any graphic to enlarge it, and then your 'back-arrow' to return.  The visuals are in groups of about four, and you need to click on 'Older Posts' to continue.  Thanks In Advance for your comments and interaction.

JMP Community Business Networks

Social Networks are bigger news than pirates on the open seas, according to Hugh Hewitt.  There are 200 million Facebook users and that is expected to grow to 300 million later this year.  Twitter has 10 million users and grew at 1,000% this last year.  The reason for this growth is that social networking in social media is successful.  Be aware and use business networking to your personal and company advantage.

Seven Keys to Business and Personal Success

Remember, technologies emerge and evolve and you can “ride the wave” to your advantage.  Be aware and prepared to use modern tools and tried and true methodologies to your company and personally professional advantage.  Emulate others finding success, such as SAS Institute Dave Thomas and IBM VP for business networking, Sandy Carter.    Research other top companies as your interest and time allows.

Examples of Social and Business Networks

In this presentation we focus mainly on LinkedIn, Twitter, SAS and JMP sites, since they are used personally by professionals.  At the same time, we will talk about other important venues, including our personal favorite, Google Blogspots.  Both the JMP blog and sasComunity are very important players in business social networks. 

From the Literature . . .

In the literature of corporations and universities, the defining element of social networks can be called, “FoFoF”, or connecting friends of friends of friends to you.  The theory included more than what meets the eye.  ED:  For example, data-mining into bank fraud using JMP and John Brocklebank analysis.

Social Networks for SAS Global Forum '09

Since social network tools are emerging, evolving, and competing, leaders of SAS Global Forums are discovering the best. 


Here were the tools and sites for SGF 2009.

sasCommunity and Twitter at SAS Global Forum

This year began the move at SAS Global Forum to incorporate SNs into SGF. Talented people at SAS Institute allowed CrowdVine. It was great but had limited usage; and it was unpopular with key individuals on sasCommunity Advisory Board. They would like communication to go through their wiki.

Lauren Haworth, Lainie Hoverstad, #SGF10

Leaders of SAS Global Forums are discovering the best.  Here are the tools and sites for SGF 2010.  Lainie Hoverstad programs for sasCommunity.org, the hub of SAS/JMP user networking, and adds the interfaces to LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.  The blog for JMP is not listed;  let’s see if attendees notice and can get it added.

SGF'10 will have Twitter and LinkedIn

LinkedIn and Twitter are the two we like the best.  They are populated by professionals and fulfill the needs of professionals to connect with professionals.  Even more than these, we like and use the potential of Google “blogspots”, which are free, as is a free gMail account to go with them.  I have about twenty and need a list to keep them all in mind.

JMP and SAS Community Networking

Personal and SAS Community Networking

Here is an example of connecting, with SAS Community in the center.  


For some, JMP is the center of their professional network.

Support JMP blogs and sasCommunity

SAS-L led the way for SAS workers to connect with other SAS workers, mainly for best SAS programming solutions.  It also includes discussions on anything of interest:  from professional SAS programmers /consultants collaborating to the state of SAS software and SASware ballots.


Now, there are other special interest online groups that are connecting for mutual benefit. SAS Institute fosters and promotes the interchange. 


SAS Institute stays on the leading edge of not only technology but with methodologies, such as focus groups to develop sasCommunity.org in which you can participate. 

Do You Remember Beginnings ?

Some of us go way back to mainframe days, the beginnings of SAS Institute, the first conferences, the coming of the Internet, then JMP, SAS Global Forums, and now Social Networks, including the SAS Community and popular JMP blogs.

Evaluate and Choose your Methodologies

Of course there is overlap in the services and tools, but some are known for their forte and specialties, such as YouTube for short and long video clips.  My favorite is Google blogspots for quick professional development.  You may want to start with Twitter and LinkedIn.  Of course, you are already a user and contributor in sasCommunity and the JMP blog sites.  Right?

Is Your Activity "Business" and/or "Social" ?

On the left, you see professional activity and exchange;  on the right, friends and family;  and in the middle, overlapping activity.

What is Your Purpose and Strategy

Study the different strategies to accomplish different purposes: (1)  sites for information such as Wikipedia which are social networks because the readers can add and edit;  (2) in-house exchange;  (3) public sites for peer information collaboration and exchange; and (4) best companies with their push-ads in social networking.   As technologies in business networking evolve, you will see many strategies.  Which are your favorites for your purposes?

Focus Your Purpose and Vision

Here are the some main categories that come to mind for business and social networking for (1) business;  (2) friends, family (3) information.  You will see they can also be broken down in venue of delivery:  text, tweets, photos, videos, professional graphic-art ads; and what you can invent in the future.  The target audience also determines if they live or die.  Attract too much of the ‘wrong crowd’ and the site will not blossom with professionals.

Social Networks emerge, evolve, then compete

Where to start?  Start with sasCommunity and you can join LinkedIn and Twitter from there.  You have already seen some YouTube via web browsing.  You are aware of the SAS sites but try a Google search for completeness.  Contribute on the JMP blog.  There are two JMP-interest sites on Linked In.  One for professional exchange and one for analysis and statistical graphics. Personally, we use a circle of blogspots for family and home business.  On the left you see sites used for SAS Global Forum, mainly LinkedIn, sasCommunity, and Twitter.  Lower right has two political sites;  Trivani for “Prosperity with Purpose”;  and the largest social network of them all, FamilySearch for the whole human family.

Keep in Touch To Collaborate, (SNs).

Let’s keep in touch via the JMP sites.  Check in at the JMP Data Analysis and Visualization (LinkedIn) site. 


Also, see these notes posted at our blogspot, http://JMP2Consulting.blogspot.com