Monday, October 18, 2010

Consider Consulting, Inc.

Today we formalized "Consider Consulting, Inc." by incorporating in Delaware.

We will follow with our business plan, model, and corporate structure.

We will help you move to consulting in the field best for you. Jump In .!.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

In the presentation that follows, please add your suggestions, discussion, and comments to the visuals and the descriptive text below them.  You can click on any graphic to enlarge it, and then your 'back-arrow' to return.  The visuals are in groups of about four, and you need to click on 'Older Posts' to continue.  Thanks In Advance for your comments and interaction.

JMP Community Business Networks

Social Networks are bigger news than pirates on the open seas, according to Hugh Hewitt.  There are 200 million Facebook users and that is expected to grow to 300 million later this year.  Twitter has 10 million users and grew at 1,000% this last year.  The reason for this growth is that social networking in social media is successful.  Be aware and use business networking to your personal and company advantage.

Seven Keys to Business and Personal Success

Remember, technologies emerge and evolve and you can “ride the wave” to your advantage.  Be aware and prepared to use modern tools and tried and true methodologies to your company and personally professional advantage.  Emulate others finding success, such as SAS Institute Dave Thomas and IBM VP for business networking, Sandy Carter.    Research other top companies as your interest and time allows.

Examples of Social and Business Networks